Future For Ukraine
Future For Ukraine
Future For Ukraine

Reports 2023

December 23

111 wounded Ukrainians were operated on with Osteosynthesis systems

111 wounded Ukrainians were operated on with Osteosynthesis systems


The Future for Ukraine Charity Foundation continues to help the wounded due to hostilities within the Metal Osteosynthesis case.

During the last two months, 111 Ukrainians had undergone surgery with Metal Osteosynthesis systems amounting in $42,500.

Metal Osteosynthesis systems are titanium plates that connect multiple bone fractures. Almost every second Ukrainian who got injured due to artillery shelling or rubble needs osteosynthesis, not to say the injured Ukrainian combatants.

Military nurse ValentinaUkrainians were operated on with Osteosynthesis systemsMilitary AlexanderX-ray of Alexander's leg with a bullet

Medical treatment in Ukraine is provided at the expense of the state. But currently, the country cannot fully provide the necessary medical materials for effective treatment.

The cost of metal implants for the fracture fusion of one area is from $ 380 to $ 950. Often, patients need to install screws and rods in several places, so the cost of the operation can increase. Future for Ukraine collects funds for such systems.

Read patient stories in the "Facty" material by following the link.

Future For Ukraine[email protected]