In January, LEVCHYK SPECTRUM HUB provided 710 corrective classes for children on the autism spectrum:
sensory integration — 284 classes;
behavioral therapy — 209 classes;
speech therapy — 46 classes;
with a neuropsychologist — 63 classes;
music therapy — 54 classes;
preparation for school — 27 classes:
art therapy — 27 classes.
In January, we received new equipment for the sensory room at LEVCHYK as a gift from Quarks IT company:
Treadmill – strengthens bones and joints, and improves overall physical condition. It also helps perform exercises to improve fine motor skills.
The Big Pickler Arch and the Big Montessori Hill are used in the obstacle course to improve coordination, motor skills, agility, and proprioception.
Balance board helps train balance and coordination of movements.
Thanks to a charitable initiative from the Mimosa Family restaurant chain, the LEVCHYK received UAH 141,255 in funding. The funds helped cover the cost of remedial classes for IDP children with autism spectrum disorders and the hub’s utility bills during the winter.
11 pupils continue their visits to the CHILDREN HUB. During January, 38 development classes were provided for the children.
Total raised for the direction
UAH 165 519,00
Total expenses of the direction
UAH 123 721,00
In January 2025, 73 sessions with the therapist were held with women:
Psychological assistance to women survivors of Conflict-Related Sexual Violence (CRSV) — 61 online sessions.
🌸 Indefinite loss
Psychological assistance to women whose relatives went missing during the war or are in captivity (indefinite loss) — 10 individual and 2 group sessions.
Currently, 19 Ukrainian women undergo the therapy at the GIDNA project: