Future For Ukraine
Future For Ukraine
Future For Ukraine

Reports 2023

December 23


Future for Ukraine

Charity Foundation, created by Ukrainians for Ukrainians.

Our Mission

Our charity projects are implemented by three foundations represented in Ukraine, Poland, and the USA, and united by a common mission — to support Ukrainians who suffered the consequences of the russian full-scale invasion.


Together, we have launched new initiatives, traveled hundreds of kilometers for humanitarian missions to hot spots, supported wounded soldiers within the framework of the prosthetics project, and taken care of displaced Ukrainian children and women.

We are heading toward new achievements and even more ambitious initiatives aimed at building a better future for Ukraine.

Our History

Future for Ukraine was founded in March 2022 in Poland on the initiative of passionate Ukrainian women who came to Warsaw to escape the war. Even though they all came from the business world and had no experience in charity, they teamed up for a common goal-to help Ukrainians overcome the consequences of the war.

Later, a second office was opened in Kyiv. Now the Ukrainian and Polish teams of Future for Ukraine work side by side for the future of Ukrainians. Specialists from various fields joined us, but this was the first time the team dealt with charity. However, strong qualities, energy, expertise, and a desire to rescue and help foster the creation of a powerful and capable team. In 2023, to facilitate our cooperation with US partners and donors, we founded Future for Ukraine in the USA, which has received the official status of a 501c3 non-profit organization and an EIN 93-1594997 in Maryland, USA.


Media about us

Як пожертвувати на допомогу Україні. Список фондів яким можна довіряти


A battle in our souls’: women who fled Ukraine agonise over when to return

The Guardian

Допомога пораненому українському воїну - можливість звону ходити

CBC News

Як світ підтримує і допомогає українським дітям


«Лікарі давали всього 20% на порятунок життя». Дружина військового Олександра Чайки розповіла, як пережила звістку про травму коханого, та поділилася особистим секретом стійкості


Наша мета – допомогти пацієнту, в якого немає навіть частини тазової кістки


Як 15 жінок об’єднались у чужій країні та почали допомагати українцям: приклад Future for Ukraine


Шанс на повноцінне життя»: БФ Future for Ukraine допомагає українцям, які постраждали від війни


Виставка у Київському метро: Діти. Війна. Майбутнє


Війна дитячими очима: у київському метро відкрили виставку малюнків


Фонд Future for Ukraine організував у Києві виставку дитячих малюнків про війну


Інтерв'ю Олени Сотник


У київському метро "Золоті ворота" відкрилась виставка дитячих малюнків


Гуманітарний штаб Future for Ukraine: хто і чому допомагає українцям


Акція «Майбутнє для українських дітей»


Future for Ukraine: What does the Ukrainian-made foundation do?

news anyway

Як діти бачать війну. У Київському метрополітені відкрилася виставка дитячих малюнків

See more

Foundations goals

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Foundations goals

FFU | Prosthetics of severely wounded soldiers
FFU | Prosthetics of severely wounded soldiers
FFU Ukraine

Prosthetics of severely wounded soldiers

The war has caused severe consequences for the Ukrainian civilian population and, in particular, for the wounded Ukrainian defenders. For this purpose, we created the initiative of prosthetics and rehabilitation for people with amputated limbs so that wounds do not become an obstacle to their full-fledged lives. Our partner, the Medical Center Orthotics & Prosthetics clinics (USA), with more than 20 years of experience working with the most complex military injuries, supports us on this path. Thanks to our joint efforts, Ukrainian defenders receive high-tech prostheses. We also performed over 200 operations to install metal-osteosynthesis systems, connecting bones using titanium plates, for patients with complex fractures.

FFU | Helping children with ASD
FFU Poland

Helping children with ASD

From the beginning of a full-scale invasion in Ukraine, millions of families with children left their homes. Among the forced migrants, there are many children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) who need specialized help. For this purpose, we opened the LEVCHYK SPECTRUM HUB in Lviv, which provides about 650 free corrective classes for displaced children with ASD monthly. The remedial classes help children to adapt to new living conditions during the war.

FFU | Helping children with ASD
FFU | Humanitarian help
FFU | Humanitarian help
FFU Ukraine

Humanitarian help

Military aggression causes destruction and broken lives. People from the most affected regions can’t access to vital goods and services. Volunteers of the Kyiv-based Humanitarian Aid Center of Future for Ukraine cover thousands of kilometers to deliver the most necessary goods to the frontline and liberated territories. We have already visited Kherson, Donetsk, Mykolaiv, and Kharkiv regions with humanitarian missions and brought food, hygiene kits, and other basic goods to the locals. New missions to the de-occupied and frontline territories lie ahead.

FFU | Helping women
FFU Ukraine

Helping women

We assist women who have experienced sexual violence by the russian military. For this purpose, we have created the GIDNA project of qualified psychological assistance supported by experienced specialists from the Israeli Trauma Coalition (ITC). Our psychotherapists are supervised by Israeli colleagues, which is extremely important when working with such severe trauma. Consultations for women are free of charge, and anonymity is guaranteed.

FFU | Helping women
FFU | Support for medical facilities and medicines for civilians
FFU | Support for medical facilities and medicines for civilians
FFU Ukraine

Support for medical facilities and medicines for civilians

One of the challenges that the war has caused for Ukrainians is the lack of medicines and access to health care services. That is why, since the very first day of its existence, FFU has been actively working with partners to provide healthcare facilities and civilians with the necessary medicines and medical equipment. We cooperate with the UNBROKEN National Rehabilitation Center to train a new generation of rehabilitation specialists in Ukraine. In addition, together with our partners from Japan, we have created the Japan Wheelchair Program for Ukraine, under which we will receive and distribute wheelchairs for people with disabilities.

FFU | Helping forced migrant children
FFU | Helping forced migrant children
FFU Poland

Helping forced migrant children

Only in the first 7 weeks of the war in Ukraine, more than 4.8 million minor Ukrainians were registered as internally displaced persons (IDP) in the Unified Information Database of Internally Displaced Persons of Ukraine. The largest number of children — more than 70,000 — have been sheltered in Lviv Region. This caused an excessive load on local kindergartens and schools. To help Ukrainian IDP families with preschool children in Lviv, we opened the CHILDREN HUB. Founded in June 2022 in Warsaw, the hub fulfilled its mission — it became a shelter and true Ukrainian center for more than 1,000 forced migrant families in Poland. And now, CHILDREN HUB supports Ukrainian families who suffered the war consequences in Lviv. Children aged 3 to 7 can visit a hub twice a week for 3 hours a day. Together with qualified teachers, they study the history of Ukraine and the Ukrainian alphabet and get acquainted with the English language through interesting games. Here, in the hub, children also find new friends and discover new hobbies.

Monthly report

Funds raised in May

2 213,97

Total raised equivalent
View the report
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Every donation <br /> is important

Volunteer <br /> Needed

Every donation
is important



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Future For Ukraine[email protected]