Future For Ukraine
Future For Ukraine
Future For Ukraine

Reports 2023

December 23

Many thanks to United Help Ukraine!

Many thanks to United Help Ukraine!


Over the past two years, we have met incredible people on our charity journey — sincere, open-minded, and ready to help at any time. Among them is the team of United Help Ukraine charity, thanks to their support the people of Ukraine continue to resist the war consequences and defend their sovereignty.

We are grateful to the United Help Ukraine charity for helping to provide housing for our servicemen during their prosthetics and rehabilitation in the United States. This cooperation allows Future for Ukraine to focus its financial resources on the treatment of seriously wounded soldiers, improving their quality of life, and promoting recovery.

United Help Ukraine charity is a partner and friend who stands by our side in difficult times. Thank you for that! Together we are creating the future of our country! 

Future For Ukraine[email protected]