Oleksiy Uglov is a 37-year-old entrepreneur. Before the war, he ran a network of tire services in Kyiv. Two weeks after the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the man joined the Territorial Defence Forces battalion. After the liberation of Kyiv Oblast from the invaders, Oleksiy and his brothers were sent to defend his native Kharkiv.
Oleksiy was wounded on June 8 near the village of Prudyanka, Dergachiv district, Kharkiv region, while carrying out combat orders.
At about 4 p.m., Oleksiy, together with two comrades, advanced to reinforce the observed point of their company. At first, they moved by transport, then on foot with backpacks, weapons, and protective equipment, in bulletproof vests and Kevlar helmets. Outside of Prudyanka, they got under the enemy mortar shelling. In the area of the country cooperative, hearing a howl in the air, the group lay down on the ground and heard an explosion nearby.
The soldiers hid from the shelling in the forest strip, taking advantage of the differences in the landscape. Part of the mines exploded in the field, flying across the road they were walking. Then they decided to repair their equipment and weapons. But they heard howling much louder than the previous ones. The mine explosion happened quite close, and Oleksiy felt a burn, then a sharp pain in his right thigh.
"Looking back, I saw blood and torn clothes. Comrades turned me over on my back and started providing first aid. To stay conscious, I breathed deeply and talked with my friends," Oleksiy recalls.
In bad condition, Oleksiy was taken to the evacuation point and redirected to the Dergachiv Central District Hospital, where he was given qualified medical care. Then he was transferred to the Kharkiv Military Hospital. There, the soldier was operated on, and Ilizarov's device was applied.
Since June, Uglov gets rehabilitation in Kyiv. We wish Oleksiy a speedy recovery!
Oleksiy underwent an operation to install a metal osteosynthesis system — the joining of bone fragments with the titanium plates. The cost of such a system for one limb ranges from UAH 8,000 to UAH 15,000.
Future for Ukraine collects funds for consumables for operations on patients with bone fractures who suffered from the war.
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