MainNews305 wheelchairs were handed over to Khar...
305 wheelchairs were handed over to Kharkiv

305 wheelchairs were handed over to Kharkiv

Kharkiv is an outpost city that was one of the first to receive an attack from russian army last year. It is said about this city and its people that they are made of reinforced concrete. But no matter how strong they seem, sometimes they also need help. The city and Northern Saltivka district experienced the most destruction and damage. Hundreds of people were injured, and dozens were killed during enemy shelling.

To help the people of Kharkiv and in response to the request of the Kharkiv City Council, the FFU team with the support of Japanese partners, Go!Fly!Wheelchairs and Sakura Wheelchair Project Hiroshima, within the framework of the Japan Wheelchair Program for Ukraine project, on September, 4 handed over 305 wheelchairs. The help will be provided by the Center for the Provision of Social Services of the Saltivskyi district to citizens who are affected by hostilities, as well as to people with disabilities and the elderly who are unable to move independently.

We thank our Japanese friends, Masato and Fumi Kimura, and the patron of the fund Vadim Stolar for the opportunity to help Ukrainians in these tough times!
