Future For Ukraine
Future For Ukraine
Future For Ukraine

Reports 2023

December 23

Future for Ukrainian Children Action held by FFU

Future for Ukrainian Children Action held by FFU


On June 1 we held an action supporting Ukrainian children of war in London, Paris, Berlin, and New York. Thank you for your help to the volunteers and all the participants, who came to raise the awareness of the issue. Our endless gratitude to everyone who contributed and shared the information about the action and FFU activities.

The heart-warming fact for our whole team is that the action has found a response and understanding of how important it is now to help children.

Children who lost their parents in the war in Ukraine don't currently have access to an adequate standard of living, medical and psychological care, and access to education and development, the children’s rights which were cruelly broken by war.

Supporting children is important.

Protecting their future is important.

And with so many caring people, we know firmly that a happy future for the children definitely will come.

Future For Ukraine[email protected]