MainNewsHow Ukrainian businesses support our mil...
How Ukrainian businesses support our military after prosthetics

How Ukrainian businesses support our military after prosthetics

On July 16, our Sashko Chaika, who was the first to undergo prosthetics with FFU support abroad, tried his hand for the first time by conquering the waves on the surfboard! This is the same guy who lost his leg a year ago defending our country! 

For Sasha, the new experience became possible thanks to the City Swell wake surfing school team and their charity fund Valid Ukraine, which invited Sasha for the first time to try surfing with the help of coach Maryna Kaplan. This is a crucial step on the part of socially responsible businesses that support our defenders in the way of a full-fledged active life! After all, Sashko's example is proof of the fact that our military can reach an active life again after undergoing high-quality prosthetics!

We sincerely thank the representatives of socially responsible businesses in Ukraine for supporting the military and giving them opportunities for a sports lifestyle! Your help is invaluable!

Stay tuned and follow our collaboration with City Swell and Valid Ukraine!
