MainNewsNews about the FFU team
News about the FFU team

News about the FFU team

The FFU team joined the working group monitoring the compliance of information products with the approach focused on survivors of gender-based violence (GBV) and conflict-related sexual violence (CRSV). It was during a meeting of the Coalition Kyiv-1325.

This coalition was formed in 2020. It aimed to implement UN Security Council Resolution 1325, "Women, Peace, and Security" in Ukraine and adapt it to local needs.

At the coalition meeting, the following tasks were set for the group:

  • analyze existing methods and recommendations in this area to improve them;
  • create a list of places in Kyiv where survivors of GBV/CRSV can receive assistance;
  • to use consultations for women as one of the channels of communication and information for women survivors of CRSV.

All these measures will help to provide more effective assistance to women survivors of sexual violence.
