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Stigmatization of the sexual violence topic. How to stop it?

Stigmatization of the sexual violence topic. How to stop it?

Stigma is a negative or discriminatory opinion about a certain group of people that forms stereotypical perceptions in society and leads to discrimination and social isolation of these people. Due to the stigmatization of the sexual violence topic, many cases of rape are silenced, and the victims are forced to cope with the trauma consequences on their own.

Why do victims remain silent?

  • feeling shame and guilt;
  • fearing to destroy family relationships;
  • distrusting of justice;
  • desiring to distance herself and forget the experience as soon as possible;
  • lack of information about the project to turn to for help. 

Veronica Denio, a therapist at GIDNA, explains why people tend to justify the abuser and blame the victim:

“This is how a mechanism of psychological defense works. People feel uncomfortable thinking that it could happen to them, it’s much easier to think that the victim herself provoked the violent acts, because in that case, the responsibility lies solely with her. But this is wrong. There is always only one person to blame for an act of violence — the abuser.”

Sexual violence is an active act committed by the perpetrator, regardless of the actions of the victim. Violence cannot be provoked no matter what a woman looks like or what she does. 

As the therapist notes, there is no such crime as “provocative behavior” in the legislation. Therefore, blaming the victim for the sexual violence act is incorrect and traumatic for the woman herself. 

How NOT to stigmatize survivors of sexual violence?

  • respect the person’s privacy and do not disclose their story;
  • do not ask questions, just keep close and be ready to listen;
  • avoid the phrases “I understand you”, “Everything will be ok”, “It could have been worse”;
  • keep your distance, tactile contact can be a trigger after experiencing violence;
  • support the person’s decision and tell about projects where to receive free psychological assistance.

The GIDNA project from the Future for Ukraine Foundation provides free psychological assistance to women who have experienced sexual violence during the russian armed aggression against Ukraine. Let's remember that every woman deserves support and understanding!