MainNewsThe Puzata Hata chain raised 95,000 UAH ...
The Puzata Hata chain raised 95,000 UAH for the LEVCHYK SPECTRUM HUB

The Puzata Hata chain raised 95,000 UAH for the LEVCHYK SPECTRUM HUB

"Never stop helping" is our partner’s motto. This summer, the largest chain of modern Ukrainian cuisine restaurants, Puzata Hata, launched an initiative to support the LEVCHYK SPECTRUM HUB.

Puzata Hata created special informational tray liners about autism for all its restaurants. As part of this educational initiative, guests had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with a glossary of tolerance, learn more about children on the spectrum, understand how to interact appropriately with people with ASD and debunk common myths related to autism.

Through a special QR code, every guest could support the LEVCHYK SPECTRUM HUB and give children a chance to adapt to social life. Thanks to this initiative, we managed to raise 95,000 UAH for our Corrective Assistance Center for children on the spectrum.

Everyone has to care, support, and help! We are so delighted to have the best partners with us on this journey.

Thank you to everyone who came to enjoy their favorite dishes and, at the same time, did a good deed.