MainNews“United2Win”. Olena Nikolaienko spoke at...
“United2Win”. Olena Nikolaienko spoke at the IV Forum for Legal Reforms for Civil Society

“United2Win”. Olena Nikolaienko spoke at the IV Forum for Legal Reforms for Civil Society

On September 13-14, the IV Forum for Legal Reforms for Civil Society "United2Win" took place in Kyiv. The offline and online event was held within the framework of the II Civil Society Week in Ukraine organized by the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy. 

The main topics of the forum:

  • key reforms for CSOs in the context of European integration and martial law;
  • possible solutions for creating a favorable legal environment for the participation of CSOs in the rebuilding of the country during the war;
  • CSO international advocacy strategies;
  • approaches to state policy on reintegration of temporarily occupied territories;
  • analysis of the legal environment of veteran CSOs and veterans;
  • risk management in the field of financial security of CSOs;
  • challenges facing CSO leaders.

Olena Nikolaienko, president of the FFU in the United States and volunteer curator of strategy and development for the FFU International, spoke at the panel discussion "Financial security of civil society organizations". Olena shared her experience with the foundation’s budget planning and information about the importance of auditing and transparent reporting to donors.

"Diversification of interaction channels with donors and receiving charitable assistance is key to the foundation’s sustainability. This allows us to plan further work and not depend on one source of charity support. It is also important to communicate with donors about plans, and achievements and provide in-time reports," Olena says in her speech. 

Among the invited speakers to this discussion panel were Kateryna Osadcha, TV presenter and founder of the Charity Fund "Kateryna Osadcha Foundation" and Anastasiya Klimina, Operations Director of ICF SavED charity foundation. Valeriia Tatarchuk, the founder of the Tvoya Opora charity foundation, moderated the panel discussion. She briefly summarized the speeches on her Instagram: “One of the key points was the issue of diversification of funding sources. No organization should depend on just one donor. The golden rule of fundraising: every organization should have at least seven funding sources and each of them should provide no more than 30% of the budget”.

Organizers: Ukraine Civil Society Sectoral Support Activity and The Centre for Democracy and Rule of Law. 


We thank the organizers of the event and everyone who participated in the discussion. The exchange of experience between public organizations contributes to the development of the field as a whole and unites us on the way to victory. 
